PRIVATE RESIDENCEEAST FOURTHPROJECT DETAILSProject: Renovation of existing single-family dwelling converting it into a two-familyLocation: Boston, MAConstruction Type: ResidentialSquare Footage: 5,466 More Architecture Design Projects MULTI-FAMILY | MCGRATH COMMERICAL | NATIVE SUN MULTI-FAMILY | CENTRE PRIVATE RESIDENCE | BOSTON POST ROAD COMMERCIAL | GEICO EDUCATION | HARRY MCDONOUGH SAILING CENTER MULTI-FAMILY | HAMILTON MULTI-FAMILY | DOUGLAS View PortfolioContact UsName(Required)Email(Required) PhoneProject AddressProject Type New Construction Residential Commercial RenovationConstruction BudgetDesired Completion Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Multi-Unit? If Yes, How Many Units?Variance Required? Yes No Don’t knowMessage(Required)0 of 1200 max charactersNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.